Thank you so much for thinking of sending something to us! However, currently, the best way to support us is by sending us donations through our donation portal here on our website
There are 3 main challenges when it comes to shipping items to Kenya. The first issue is expense. Oftentimes, shipping items from other continents to Kenya involves a great deal of expense. One donor who wanted to send us some children's clothing found that it was over $10 USD per pound (over $22 USD per kg) to ship from her area to ours. In her case, it actually made it more sense to send us a monetary donation than to try to ship us something. The second issue we have is that our mail service has been a little unreliable during the COVID 19 pandemic, which is an ongoing issue in Kenya as we are still under some restrictions of movement. The third issue, is that we also have high import taxes in Kenya, so that even if you were to send us an item as a gift, it would cost us quite a bit of money in customs/import taxes to receive the item. However, we are trying to work with the government on this to get a tax-exempt status on items that are sent to us internationally. Even though we are a registered charity in Kenya, it is not automatic that we recieve tax-exempt status on items that are shipped to us. We will update the answer to this question once we have gotten this status.
However, if you are in the country of Kenya and would like to send us some children's clothing, baby formula, diapers, or other items, please contact us through our contact page or on our social media and we will make individual arrangements with you.